Upcoming events at Jugendkirche

Date: Saturday, 29 March 2025
Start Time: 13:00
End Time: 18:00

The second roleplaying event of 2025 will take place on 29th March. Please note that this time we start at 13:00.

Registration for this event will be required via meetup and is available from 8th March.

Check out our reviews of the past roleplaying events in October 2024 and January 2025 to get an idea of the event.

At this event, we will be offering the following games:

Call of Cthulhu: Deadlight
A chance encounter with a distressed young woman leads the investigators into the hideous aftermath of a crime gone terribly wrong.
Cats of Catthulhu: The Buzz Downstairs
You are a cat in or around a 1920s manor in the British countryside called Button House. The manor is close to a local farming village with a small population and lots of streets and alleys. Something weird is happening in Button House. Will you and your fellow cats be able to solve this mystery?
Cyberpunk Red: The Extraction
The year is 2077. The place is Düsseldorf. A group of Edgerunners hanging out at AK-47, on their regular table. They all receive a mysterious e-mail from an unknown Fixer. Message reads:

“I’m representing a man who wants someone extracted. It’s a big job. It’ll be a tough extraction, and there’s a follow-up. The extractee needs to be escorted to Berlin by air. My client is willing to pay well, however, and we have inside information that will make the extraction go easier. Also, if you don’t want to stay in Berlin, we’ll fly you anywhere you want to go after the job. Back to Düsseldorf, or somewhere else if you like.”

DnD 5e: “Dwimore’s Secrets” – An Adventure from Grimwelt – A Tale of Sins
Agathe aka The Enchantress and headmistress of Dwimore Academy is hosting her annual event to showcase the academy. You find yourself at the event with your trusty adventuring companions, with alterior motives, to discover whether the academy has anything to do with all the mysterious disappearances across the lands. You group is wary as your benefactor remains anonymous, you know the risks, but the reward is sizable.
Daggerheart: The Sablewood Messengers
This is a DCC funnel style, old school adventure. The players have multiple characters, there’s an implied high chance and rate of mortality.
They arrive at a lovely and idyllic village on their very long annual journey to the Spring Fair,
where they can show off and sell their prized goods.
Their lovely stay turns quickly into a survival murder extravangza, when an band of goons befalls the place and they have defend it with the peace loving villagers.
Deathmatch Island: Season One
You awake, on a boat. You don’t know how you got here, or who the other people in the boat with you are, but you do know this: You are on camera right now. You have volunteered to take part in the greatest game show on the planet: Deathmatch Island.
And you are going to _win_.
Delta Green: Last Thing Last
Delta Green is a shadow organization that fights against and covers up any and all evidences of supernatural.
Less than 24 hours ago, one of hour informant died. Your job is to inspect his apartment: find, catalogue and dispose of anything and everything potentially connected to Delta Green.
Dungeon Inc: Certification Test
Imagine a corporate-run dungeon designed to kill adventurers and cash in on their loot.

You’re the monsters, taking your certification test to land an entry-level contract and start your career.

What could possibly go wrong?

For the Queen: Queendom
You are escorting your beloved Queen on a diplomatic mission. Her Truthsayer has communicated her visions to you in a confidential manner. The mission is risky and the Queen is going to be attacked! You’ve got time to prepare, but you are also aware of the Queen’s past actions. Will you defend her?
Mörk Borg: Gutterborn
Well just your luck, the drain aint working and just as you had toilette duty, it seems like its up to you to go check down the sewers and fix the pipes before the boss gets angry and its your corpse blocking the pipes.
Nechronica with Call of Cthulhu: Horizon Zero Dawn: Hunt for the Clawed Menace
Whispers spread among the Braves—something stalks the Proving Grounds. The tracks are too deep for a machine, too precise for a beast. Some say it’s human. Others, something far worse.

In three days, the Proving begins, but not while this threat remains. Seek it out, Braves. End it before it claims those who would earn their place.

May the All-Mother guide your hunt.

Troika: Bakto’s Terrifying Cuisine
Troika is a simple d6 system with lots of humor. In this adventure you will explore the dungeon of Demon chef Bakto- trying to cook up a delicious meal to satisfy him or perish trying.

Date: Saturday, 28 June 2025
Start Time: 13:00
End Time: 18:00

Save the date 🙂 More information on this event will follow in May.