Yesterday we hosted another roleplaying event, and the second one hosted at Jugendkirche. After having hosted at this gorgeous location in October, we were really excited to get the ball rolling to make this a regular event series.
This time, we had 11 adventures run by our wonderful volunteer GMs: Brindlewood Bay, City of Most – Powered by the Apocalypse, Call of Cthulhu, Dune: Adventures in the Imperium, Dungeons & Dragons 5.5e, Eat the Reich, JoJo’s bizarre TTRPG, Mausritter, Triangle Agency, Vampire the Masquerade, and Vaults of Vaarn. For full descriptions, the past event details can be accessed here.
Thanks to everyone who joined and who made this an excellent event! We are already preparing the next RPG Jam, which will take place at the end of March.
Here are a few impressions from the event:
Many thanks to Daria for some of these photos 🙂