Before signing up to (real-life) events via meetup, please read our group policies below. These are mostly common sense and respect 😉
1) Be welcoming and inclusive
Everyone is welcome at our events, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, disability, personality, etc. We are a primarily English-speaking community of people from allover the world by default. We include everyone, and we ask of event attendees to be open-minded and inclusive as well. If you ever feel unwelcome at an event, please let the event organizer know.
There is only one notable exception on who may be excluded to events (people who are obviously sick and infectious):
2) If you’re sick, stay at home! 😷
In order to ensure a safe and healthy atmosphere for all attendees, we ask anyone who is sick (e.g. with the flu or Covid) to NOT attend any events. Even if it is only a little bit of a cough or a slight sore throat, please do not attend events. Stay at home, get well, and keep everyone else safe. This should go without saying and is in the best interest of everyone. Covid should have taught us this valuable lesson.
3) Not showing up for no reason or without cancelling is frowned upon
Hosting a meetup takes a lot of planning and effort. As a courtesy, and to help hosts with their planning, please cancel your RSVP if you can’t make it. While we completely understand that sometimes it is not easy to go to a new place full of strangers, we can assure you that at any event you will receive a warm welcome and people will be happy to play with you. We also completely understand that sometimes plans change or you might realize that you may be sick at the last minute, but in that case the polite thing to do is let your hosts know ASAP, and give the people on the waitlist (if available) a chance to join the event.
If you need to cancel for whatever reason, cancel as soon as possible, but the absolute latest 6 hours before. That way the hosts will have ample time to realize you canceled and to find a replacement for your spot or have someone from the waitlist move up. If you need to cancel later than that, please additionally send a message to the hosts to let them know you cancelled (you don’t need to give them a reason, unless you want to). This will make sure they can see that you cancelled on short notice.
Event organizers may decide to remove people from events who repeatedly do not show up, especially if this would mean that someone from the waitlist could have joined.
4) Taking pictures of people
Due to German privacy laws, taking pictures of people requires their full consent. If you want to take pictures that show the faces of any of the event attendees, make sure you ask all of them for their permission. In addition, if you want to upload pictures to the event which show any of the attendees, make sure you have their permission to upload them as well. If you find that a picture of you has been uploaded to meetup without your consent and you would like it to be removed, please contact an organizer.
5) Be respectful of people’s property
Board gaming is an expensive hobby that many people are very passionate about, investing lots of time and effort into their games. Please appreciate people who bring their games to events by treating the games carefully and respectfully. Keep food and greasy fingers away from game components and put the game back into the box the way you found it.