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Düsselgamers Posts

Board Game Night at sipgate

A couple of times a year, our wonderful hosts at sipgate organize a large board game event. Usually this event is in very high demand, which was also the case again last Friday on the 31st of January 2025. Roughly 80 people were playing a great variety of board games. As usual, sipgate offered free drinks and snacks which were greatly appreciated by everyone who attended the event.

Here are a few impressions from the event:

Vaults and Tombs: Impressions from RPG Jam #4

Yesterday we hosted another roleplaying event, and the second one hosted at Jugendkirche. After having hosted at this gorgeous location in October, we were really excited to get the ball rolling to make this a regular event series.

This time, we had 11 adventures run by our wonderful volunteer GMs: Brindlewood Bay, City of Most – Powered by the Apocalypse, Call of Cthulhu, Dune: Adventures in the Imperium, Dungeons & Dragons 5.5e, Eat the Reich, JoJo’s bizarre TTRPG, Mausritter, Triangle Agency, Vampire the Masquerade, and Vaults of Vaarn. For full descriptions, the past event details can be accessed here.

Thanks to everyone who joined and who made this an excellent event! We are already preparing the next RPG Jam, which will take place at the end of March.

Here are a few impressions from the event:

Many thanks to Daria for some of these photos 🙂


MY DEAR TCG FANS (specially those into magic): Is with great happines that we invite you to our first english speaking self organized casual commander tournament!!!, to find place the 15 February at Drachental, the tournament has a hard focus on newcomers and beginners so mind the following deck rules: POWERLEVEL 6, give precons and slightly upgraded precons a chance. NO FAST MANA, sol ring is banned, so replace it with a land if you have to. NO TUTORS NO INFINITE COMBOS THAT WOULD CONFUSE A NEW COMER. We trust our community and encourage conversation on the table about what the deck does and how to play with and against it, the aim is to create a welcoming community into magic the gathering.


Limited spots for getting registering please refeer to the TCG subchat on the discord.

Roleplaying in a church: Nine tables full of adventure

On the 19th of October, we organized the third Roleplaying Jam event here with the Düsselgamers community. After the first two events were held in different, smaller locations, this time we think we found the perfect place to play: Jugendkirche in Oberbilk. This church is used primarily as an event center and is rather chill, and so was the atmosphere at this event.

Altogether, nine awesome game masters and mistresses hosted adventures of Alien, Cairn, Pathfinder 2E, Fallout, Chronicles of Darkness, Mörk Borg, Never Going Home, Paranoia and Vampire: the Masquerade. With nine tables actively playing, we still had plenty of space all around, and it was never too noisy to play.

We are definitely planning to make this event a regular event, and we will likely aim to have 11-12 tables offered at future events. Check our events for more information!

Many thanks to Daria and Lóng for the photos!

Looking for instagramers

We are currently looking for 1-2 people who would be eager to volunteer as content creators for our instagram presence. If you regularly attend board game events, for example at Holocafé or Drachental, and you would like to post small reports of cool new games you played there (posts or reels), we’d be happy for your support. Send an e-mail to if you’re interested, or get in touch with an organizer at an event or on discord.

Our new website

Welcome to the new Düsselgamers website! On this website we provide you with everything you need to know about the Düsselgamers community, which is Düsseldorfs community of primarily English-speaking gamers and nerds originating in the Düsseldorf Boardgamers Meetup Group. Everyone is welcome here and we are a very international group.

Our subfaction of role players has recently been expanding, and we will use this website to provide more information on future roleplaying events. Check out Role Playing Games for more information.